Fides Capital, S.L.
Pursuant to regulations on Information Society Services and Electronic Mail, please be advised that the owner of this website is Fides Capital, S.L., a Spanish company with Corporate Tax ID No. B-82510066, whose registered address is Paseo de la Castellana, 100, 2 B, Esc. der, 28001 Madrid, Spain, and is registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry in Volume 22.908, Folio 91, Section 8, Page M-245.290.
Fides Capital, S.L. as a regular activity, invests in other companies, mainly those with innovative business models.
The Website and Users
The Website offers Users access to news, information about the company and other varied information.
It includes a form, the purpose of which is to collect the necessary data from interested parties that allows the initial analysis of business projects that could be the object of investment by our Company.
Fides Capital, S.L. reserves the right to modify or delete, at any time and without prior notice, access to as well as presentation and configuration of the page and its content.
The User declares to be of legal age and with legal capacity necessary to be bound by these conditions of use.
Access to this webpage is free for the User, who also freely provides, if required, the data requested in the form.
The User guarantees and is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the form, accepts the conditions of use by merely accessing this Website and agrees to use it in accordance with any applicable legal regulation.
Access to the webpage does not imply any contractual relationship between Fides Capital, S.L. and the User. The information it may contain may in no case be understood as a recommendation or advice from Fides Capital, S.L.
The information provided by the User for the purposes indicated in these conditions does not oblige Fides Capital, S.L. to fund or invest in the business project to which this information refers, nor to issue a response on its possible interest in funding or investment. Nor does it limit Fides Capital, S.L.’s freedom to fund or invest in other projects with identical, similar or complementary activity.
Liability disclaimer
Fides Capital, S.L. does not guarantee the absence of errors on its Website or in the information that may be provided therein. It assumes no responsibility for decisions that may be made by the User based on such information.
Although Fides Capital, S.L. tries at all times to adopt the measures at its disposal to avoid anomalies in the Website and its content, it does not guarantee the absence of viruses or malicious content or software and is in no case responsible for the hypothetical damages that may be caused by such elements to Users’ computer equipment, software or information.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
Fides Capital, S.L. is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights on the Website and its content, including, but not limited to, images, videos, texts, logos, software, design, etc., which are protected by Spanish and European Community legislation relating to the matter, as well as by international treaties signed by Spain.
Such rights are reserved, and reproduction, distribution and public communication, in whole or in part, of any aspect of the Website or its content by any method or on any media, without express consent in writing from Fides Capital S.L., is expressly prohibited.
Privacy policy
Pursuant to the legal regulations about Personal Data Protection, Fides Capital, S.L. informs Users that all personal data collected through forms during the use of the Website will be included in one or more files registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency’s General Registry, for which Fides Capital S.L., with registered address at Paseo de la Castellana, 100, 2 B, Esc. der, 28001 Madrid (Spain) is responsible. The completion of forms included on the Website or sending emails or other communications to Fides Capital, S.L. implies Users’ express authorisation to include their personal data in such files.
Users authorise the use of their data provided for the purpose of Fides Capital, S.L. being able to correctly analyse potential investments.
Users are responsible that the data provided, which will be recorded in the files, is accurate, is owned and updated by them, and for which any variation must be communicated.
Fides Capital, S.L. will adopt the relevant technical and organisational measures, depending on the level of security of the data collected and always according to current state of the art, in order to prevent its alteration, loss, access or processing.
Fides Capital, S.L. guarantees that Users’ personal data will not be used for purposes other than those mentioned in this condition and that it will be processed with the strictest confidentiality and in full compliance with the obligations and guarantees established under Personal Data Protection legal regulations. Fides Capital, S.L. does not transfer Users’ personal data to third parties for purposes other than those described in these Conditions/Privacy Policy, although it does allow third parties, as Entities Responsible for Processing, to access them in order to provide services. Among them is Zoho Corporation which, based in the USA, provides Fides Capital, S.L. with the necessary services to manage Users’ accounts. Pursuant to STJUE C-362/14, users are informed that using Fides Capital, S.L. services entails unequivocally consenting to such international data transfer.
Users may exercise their rights to access, modify, cancel and oppose the processing of their personal data by sending an email to, including a copy of their National ID and specifying their request.
Fides Capital, S.L. reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at its own discretion or because of a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change by the Data Protection Agency. Use of the Website, once changes have been made, shall imply acceptance.
Cookies policy
Users are informed that cookies are used for statistical purposes and traffic analysis purposes. Cookies are a piece of information stored on the hard drive of a Website visitor at the request of the webpage server. The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of the visit, webpages viewed, visit duration and other statistically useful information. This information can then be retrieved by the server on subsequent visits.
For these purposes, Fides Capital, S.L. uses the Google Analytics tool, a Website analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (hereinafter, Google), a company in Delaware, whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, United States, which uses cookies.
The information that cookies generate about Website use (including IP addresses) shall be directly transferred and archived by Google on its servers in the United States. Cookies used are the so-called “session” cookies that are deleted when the browser window is closed, unless the user chooses the “remember me” option, which means the cookie is saved for a longer period.
Google may transfer such information to third parties when so required due to legal reasons or when these third parties process information on behalf of Google.
Google will not associate the user’s IP address with any other data that Google has.
By using this Website, Users consent to Google’s processing such information in the manner and for the purposes specified.
Users may oppose the data or information processing by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting this configuration option in their browser. However, by restricting cookies, it is possible that the Website will not have the full functionality that it would have if cookies were enabled. If a User continues browsing without express rejection of the use of cookies, it is understood that their use is accepted.
Legal actions and applicable legislation
Fides Capital, S.L. reserves the right to exercise all actions it considers pertinent in the event of improper use of the Website or its content or due to breach of these conditions of use.
Access to and use of this Website is subject to regulations applicable in Spanish territory.
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of these conditions shall be submitted to the ordinary jurisdiction and judges and courts that correspond according to law.
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